Genealogy (from Greek: γενεαλογία genealogia from γενεά genea, "generation" and λόγοςlogos, "knowledge"), also known as family history, is the study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history.
In Judaism, the theological importance of Genesis centers on the covenants linking God to his chosen people and the people to the Promised Land.
So could one link the Greek word Genealogy to the word Genesis?
Our Shabbat service was imformative and interesting in terms of our Bnei Mitzvah children learning all about their family history and putting together a family tree, the importance of finding out about their names, their history and where they have come from. In the same way Chazzan Roland Brandman shared his D’var Torah highlighting the importance of respect for your parents and the lessons learnt on the importance of central family life in Judaism. These two areas of learning certainly go hand in hand and is instrumental in our Torah learnings.
Shabbat was also celebrated with NOAM youth with over 15 children in attendance and many games and activities for all the youth. We all enjoyed a kiddush lunch. Please join us on Wednesday night for Meet The Rabbi at our steering meeting on the 6th February.