Rabbi Danny's Message this week for Shavuot, Shavuot commemorates the spring harvest and the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Shavuot is generally a holiday that is spent eating dairy. There are so many different reasons why we turn to cheesecake, we thought instead of thinking we we do eat cheesecake, dont ask why.... Just eat it! :-) Here Ava & Pete share their recipe.
Shavuot this week.
Today is all about the cheesecake! Don’t ask why... just eat it :-) Here is our 5 MINUTE MICROWAVE COOKED Cheesecake recipe. Recipe by Ava & Pete Lurie

Here's the recipe
Serves 6 (you can use one big dish that fits in the microwave or 6 small ramekins)
For the Cheesecake Mix
460 g of cream chese
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
8 tablespoons of sugar
2 eggs
Mix together in a mixing bowl - all done!
For the base
Lotus biscuits crushed (around 10-12)
1 tablespoon of butter
Mix to make crumb
For the butterscotch
1/2 cup of sugar
2 table spoons of double cream
Heat the sugar in a thick based pan until gold brown. As soon as it becomes a brown caramel turn off the heat. Add in the double cream and stir. Pour the hot liquid into the base of your mould. (This is very hot, so if working with children be very careful)
Once cooled, add your cheesecake mix ontop.
You can do the same with the crumb in a small ramekin or bowl. Or you can make one large cheesecake. Once your crumb base is in the pot pressed down, add your cheesecake mix and microwave on high for around 5 minutes. Take it out and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Then top with whatever toppings you like. You can use berries, icing sugar and even lotus biscuit spread which we melted in the microwave for around 15 seconds. It makes a delicious caramel sauce.

You can watch them make it here: