On Wednesday 7th November 2018 EBMC held it's 8th AGM. It was a very successful evening.
Around 25 members attended the AGM whereby topics of discussion included venue voting, leadership service takers, working with Rabbi Danny Newman and Chazzan Roland Brandman, nominations /appointments of specific roles and we also voted on our position regarding same sex marriage.
We had our venue owner Shoshana Kramer join us as well as our accountant Jonathan Shelley who both gave detailed reports on our venue situation and our financial position. We voted on both the venue as being majority in favour on taking up the new premises which we have trialled over the past 4 weeks and in favour of performing same sex marriage services.
We also discussed other relevant topics such as working with both Chazzan Roland Brandman, a dedicated Chazzan for Friday night shabbat services and working closely with Rabbi Danny Newman.
The meeting was chaired by our Co-Chairs Peter Lurie and Steven Lux and we have also now chosen dedicated members who have specific roles within our community for the next year.
We would like to thank everyone for attending last nights meeting. We are looking forward to a very exciting year ahead of growth, development and working closely with our community. Please see details of roles appointed on our website.