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Appointments & nominations

AGM 2018 - 2019










If you want to assist with EBMC and become part of our growing community and feel you have something special to offer whatever it may be please feel free to get in touch with us at  We would love to hear from you.


See what some of our volunteers are up to:


YEAR 2018 - 2019


Co-Chairs – Jobs are to manage and organise synagogue affairs with assistance from the community. These are mainly volunteer roles, and we need community assistance to help make EBMC a continued growing success.





  • Shul Set Up / Clear Up – Rota manager



Open to all members


Rota for people to come weekly to help set up the shul and take it down.Generally, can be organised a month in advance.This requires organisational skill and someone who likes to contact people and arrange shul duties and also a rota for assistance.Generally, those who are taking the service will be there to assist set up as well.


  • Shul Events and Shabbat Organiser



Philip and Jack 


Calendar organiser for the year’s events, shabbats and liases with bnei mitzvah programme co-ordinator.This will be set out a year in advance with possible changes, however all events will be shared on our website through a password facility.This person will also oversee a Key/Fob if required for the venue and manage a key/fob rota.


  • Hall / Event Booking manager





Depending on circumstance this person will be responsible for booking halls for various events be they the Shabbat Dinner at Allum Hall, or a bigger hall for another occasion.It is the Bnei Mitzvah family or Wedding family’s responsibility to book their own hall for their event.The person who takes on this role would need to communicate efficiently with the Shul Events organiser.


  • Shabbat Kiddush





This will be for a responsible person to organise the Kiddush weekly and if they cannot do it then to delegate it or find someone else to organise it.A usual list of items will be documented, and stock take will be done once a month.This person will also organise and make sure that there is enough cups, plates and cutlery for Bring-a-Dish days and Friday night services.They will also liase with the events manger.


  • Bnei Mitzvah Programme



Jay  - Assistants - Philip, Jack, Rabbi Danny Newman


This is being run by Jay Dor, however Jay will need assistance to either help host events or assist with learning and teaching of the programme.The people who assist must have enough knowledge of the programme and can help with other duties Jay may need assistance organising events and other activities for the programme.Our Monthly Bnei Mitzvah programme happens on our family shabbat which is the first shabbat of the month.This includes a bring a dish shabbat.


  • Service Takers – Shabbat and other events.



Philip, Jack 


Philip and Jack have been our service takers for several years; however, we are now looking for more people to get involved and learn how to take services or help take services.With the implementation hopefully of a new rabbi some of these duties will be less than before, however both Jack and Philip need the help.On occasion we also have had shabbat study sessions when there has been no one to take the service.


  • JJBS management 





This role is for someone to attend an AGM of the JJBS – Jewish joint Burial Society and work with the Co-Chairs in the event of a bereavement.  They will liase with the family together with the rabbi / Co-Chairs and funeral organisation to make sure that all has been organised for prayers.  It is the family’s responsibility to get collect and return the prayer items from our synagogue.  It is our responsibility that we can provide a competent individual to run the prayer service.


  • Member Orientation / Fees



Steven, Alison 


Currently Steven meets and communicates with all prospective members, discusses membership of the synagogue and fees.  Collects membership forms and confirms that payments are set up for membership.  Steven also confirms with Jonathan that Fees are being collected.  We need more people to help with member orientation.


  • Security



Neil, Alex 


Currently run by Neil Rosen and Alex Bright.  Tony also assists with Security duties.  If security is not available for any reason, we can always call on CST.  Our security rotas are generally very well run and this was commented on in our last high holy day review.


  • Children’s Service




This is currently being organised and run by Keshet Dor.  Noam Youth will be there once a month on our Family shabbat being the first shabbat of every month.  Keshet organises a rota for a parent to take a children’s service, she can also call on the help of Bnei Mitzvah children however they must be accompanied by their parents.


  • Steering Group Hosting


Appointment / Organisers




Once a month we host steering meetings we need to know who is able to host at their house.  Generally, we get around 10-15 people at a steering meeting.  We are looking for more volunteers to help shape our synagogue.  Are there any other people here would like to join us, these are open meetings for our membership.  We need more views and we need more venues.  The host will generally offer Tea, Coffee and soft drinks together with some snacks which will be covered by EBMC hosting fund.



  • Yartzheit Management





We are sending out a newsletter soon requesting people update us with Yartzheit dates.  Normally this goes hand in hand with membership management.


  • Newsletter / Text Message – Communications





Currently run by Peter Lurie.  Responsibility is to send out weekly newsletters updating on all events, upcoming shabbat details, bnei mitzvah news and all other specifics related to shul events and happenings.


  • Website







Currently run and updated by Peter Lurie.  Responsibility is to make sure that all details on the website are maintained and updated effectively.  This includes, front page events, weekly Kol Masorti, Newsletter updates, Blog and Information.


  • Events co-ordinator









This person will oversee jobs for events and helping organise Shabbat dinners and assist with fund raising events.  This person will also liase with the Shabbat/Kiddush person to make sure that there is enough stock in place for the events.  Including cutlery, plates and cups.  If we have a catered affair this person will help order the food for the event.


  • Pastoral Care in the community






This person will assist with community duties that help with births, illness, assistance in the community and bereavement.  These people will be on hand to organise specific requirements as and when needed for members of our community at certain times.



  • Synagogue interior design






Tessa will guide organise the look and feel of our synagogue, be in charge of Ark, curtains and bimah layout and decorations.  Tony will build and make pieces specific to our needs for the synagogue.



Registered Charity Number : 1139041

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